Quality begins with expert preparation, attention to detail throughout the process and a demand for excellence. Our expert painters and body men work in partnership to ensure your repaired vehicle meets exacting standards…..OURS, before you even get to see the vehicle again.
With all the on-board computers and electronics in today’s vehicles it is imperative to properly prepare for repairs. Modern welders generate powerful voltage. To protect your vehicle we use a “weld safe” process to disconnect any devices and appliances (air bags) that could be damaged by excessive voltage.
Glass is removed and replaced by specially trained glass experts. They do one thing and do it exceptionally well — ensure the glass form is done correctly and remains leak-free following repairs.
The repaired surface is cleaned, polished, buffed, and cleaned again in multiple stages prior to moving into the paint booth.
A steady hand and a careful eye make all the difference in a beautiful paint job.
Damaged panels are removed and factory spot welds drilled out to prepare for sizing and splicing in the replacement panel.
After exacting trim-out the replacement panel is welded in place and spliced into the undamaged body. The welds are rough smoothed with multiple grades of grinder wheels.
Special body bond is mixed and applied by the body expert to fill gaps and create a surface blend at the splice of the new and undamaged body parts.
When this bond hardens and is finished, the splice is virtually undetectable when painted. Just try and find it!
Exact computer color matching determines our DuPont paint mix.
The repaired part is painted and the edges blended and feathered into the older paint. This creates a virtually undetectable paint job.
McLeod AutoBody knows we can only do as good a job for you as our equipment, facilities, and personnel are capable of. We demand the best of our personnel and provide them with equipment and tools that meet or exceed industry standards. Just as we ensure our personnel continually update their certifications and remain abreast of current information through our continuing education program, we aggressively test and maintain our equipment.